رئيسي : تصفح : S ملحقات الملفات
S ملحقات الملفات
امتداد الملف | نوع الملف |
.S | Microsoft Train Simulator Shape File |
.S00 | ZipSplitter Part 1 File |
.S01 | ZipSplitter Part 2 File |
.S2A | SEAL2 Application |
.S2E | SWF to EXE Converter Project File |
.S2M | The Settlers 2 Map File |
.S2MH | StarCraft 2 Map Header File |
.S2ML | StarCraft 2 Map Localization File |
.S2MV | StarCraft 2 Map Preview File |
.S2QH | StarCraft 2 Localization Header File |
.S2Z | Heroes of Newerth Game Data File |
.S3G | MakerBot 3D Print File |
.S3I | Scream Tracker 3 Instrument |
.S3M | ScreamTracker 3 Module |
.S4M | SWAT 4 Map File |
.S5X | Heritage of Kings: The Settlers Map File |
.S7Z | Mac OS X 7-Zip File |
.SA9 | Hue and Cry Photoshop Plug-in |
.SAFARIEXTZ | Apple Safari Extension Package |
.SAFENOTEBACKUP | Safe Note Backup File |
.SAH | SETI@home Data File |
.SAM | MOD Edit Sample File |
.SAMI | Grand Theft Auto San Andres Mod Installer File |
.SAP | Atari SAP Music File |
.SAR | Service Archive File |
.SAS | SAS Program File |
.SAS7BDAT | SAS Data Set File |
.SASS | Syntactically Awesome StyleSheets File |
.SAVEDSEARCH | Spotlight Saved Search |
.SB | Signed Byte Audio File |
.SBD | Office Accounting Company Data File |
.SBF | SmartBroker Data |
.SBG | SBaGen Binaural Beat File |
.SBGF | Grapher Settings File |
.SBI | Sound Blaster Instrument |
.SBN | GT-31 Binary Data File |
.SBP | OpenSBP CNC Program File |
.SBPROJ | OpenGL Shader Builder Project |
.SBR | Visual Studio Source Browser Intermediate File |
.SBS | SPSS Script |
.SBU | Samsung Backup File |
.SBZ | ShowBiz Project File |
.SC2ASSETS | Blizzard StarCraft 2 Assets File |
.SC2BANK | StarCraft 2 Bank File |
.SC2DATA | Blizzard StarCraft 2 Data File |
.SC2LOCALE | Blizzard StarCraft 2 Localization File |
.SC2REPLAY | Blizzard StarCraft 2 Replay File |
.SC2SAVE | Blizzard StarCraft 2 Saved Game |
.SC2SCENE | StarCraft 2 Cut Scene File |
.SC45 | SuperCard Project File |
.SC4LOT | SimCity 4 Lot File |
.SC4MODEL | SimCity 4 Model File |
.SC6 | RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 Scenario File |
.SCA | Norton AntiVirus Scan File |
.SCACFG | SuperCard Application Configuration File |
.SCAP | EFI Firmware File |
.SCAR | SCAR Script |
.SCB | Scrambls Encrypted File |
.SCENE | Antibody Level File |
.SCG | myPM SCG Definition File |
.SCGC | myPM SCG Classic Data File |
.SCGS | myPM SCG Starter Data File |
.SCH | EAGLE Schematics File |
.SCI | ColoRIX Graphics Image |
.SCLVL | Scritter's Nest Data File |
.SCO | OMSI Scenery Object Configuration File |
.SCONF | Script Settings File |
.SCPCFG | SuperCard Project Configuration File |
.SCPTD | AppleScript Script Bundle |
.SCR | Windows Screensaver |
.SCRESTORELOG | Spring Cleaning Restore Log |
.SCRESULTS | Spring Cleaning Results File |
.SCRIPT | Generic Script File |
.SCRIPTTERMINOLOGY | AppleScript Script Terminology File |
.SCRIV | Scrivener Document |
.SCRIVX | Scrivener XML Document |
.SCS | SimCity Societies Saved Game File |
.SCU | ColoRIX Bitmap Image |
.SCUT4 | Easy Cut Studio Project |
.SCWORLD | Survivalcraft World File |
.SCX | Microsoft Game Scenario File |
.SCZ | SmartDraw Collection Package File |
.SD2 | Sound Designer II File |
.SDAT | Nintendo DS Sound Data File |
.SDG | Strater Project File |
.SDI | Windows System Deployment Image |
.SDII | Sound Designer 2 Audio File |
.SDINSTALL | Speckie Dictionary Installation File |
.SDLPROJ | SDL Trados Studio Project |
.SDM | Spatial Data Modeling Language File |
.SDN | Shareware Distributors Network File |
.SDOC | Samsung Memo |
.SDQ | SAS Data File |
.SDS | MIDI Sample Dump Standard File |
.SDT | Siemens Desktop Theme File |
.SDTID | SecurID Soft Token File |
.SDZ | NCI Compressed Database |
.SE1 | Swiss Ephemeris Data File |
.SEA | Self-Extracting Archive |
.SEAM | Seam Framework Java Servlet File |
.SEARCH-MS | Windows Saved Search File |
.SEB | Safe Exam Browser Configuration File |
.SECURE | Septium Secure Document |
.SEESTYLE | Coda Style Sheet File |
.SEG | Eragon Audio File |
.SEGY | SEG-Y Data File |
.SELECTIONPORTFOLIOLIBRARY | Painter Selection Portfolio Library |
.SEN | SenTest Data File |
.SEO | SEO Note File |
.SEP | Separated Image File |
.SEQU | Adobe Acrobat Sequence File |
.SERVER | MySQL Server Script |
.SERVICE | Systemd Service Unit File |
.SESX | Adobe Audition Session File |
.SETTINGCONTENT-MS | Windows Settings File |
.SETTINGS | Minecraft iConomy Plug-in Settings File |
.SETUP | CryENGINE Character Setup File |
.SEW | Home Embroidery Format |
.SEX | Alpha Five Set Data Dictionary Index File |
.SF | IRCAM Sound File |
.SFAP0 | Sound Forge Pro Audio Proxy File |
.SFAR | Mass Effect 3 DLC File |
.SFB | PlayStation 3 Disc Data File |
.SFC | Super Nintendo ROM |
.SFD | Spline Font Database File |
.SFERA | Sfera 360° File |
.SFF | Structured Fax File |
.SFK | Sound Forge Pro Audio Peak File |
.SFL | Sound Forge Pro Sound Data File |
.SFP | Soft Font Printer File |
.SFT | Microsoft App-V Sequencer File |
.SFV | Simple File Verification File |
.SFVIDCAP | Sonic Foundry Video Capture File |
.SG | SG-1000 Game ROM File |
.SGA | Relic Entertainment Game Archive |
.SGF | Smart Game Format File |
.SGM | VisualBoyAdvance Saved Game |
.SGN | Signet Bureau DRM File |
.SGPSC | Baltie Scene |
.SGT | SPSS Chart Template |
.SGZ | SigzaLock Encrypted File |
.SH | Bash Shell Script |
.SH3D | Sweet Home 3D Design File |
.SH3F | Sweet Home 3D Model Library |
.SHA1 | SHA-1 Hash File |
.SHADER | Quake 3 Engine Shader File |
.SHAR | Unix Shar Archive |
.SHB | Windows Document Shortcut |
.SHC | Adobe Photoshop Contours File |
.SHFT | Shift Work Calendar Data File |
.SHH | Adobe Photoshop Shadow/Highlight Settings file |
.SHN | Shorten Compressed Audio File |
.SHOW | Thinkfree Office NEO Show Document |
.SHPA | Aleph One Shape File |
.SHT | HTML File with Server Side Includes |
.SHTM | HTML Server Side Include File |
.SHTML | Server Side Include HTML File |
.SHV | Husqvarna Viking Embroidery File |
.SHW | Corel Presentation |
.SHX | AutoCAD Compiled Shape File |
.SHY | ShyFile Encrypted File |
.SI | Softimage Image File |
.SIB | Sibelius Score |
.SIDB | iTunes Authorization Data File |
.SIDD | iTunes Authorization Data File |
.SIF | Synfig Studio Project |
.SIFZ | Synfig Studio Compressed Project |
.SII | 18 Wheels of Steel: Haulin' Truck Definition File |
.SIMG | Synclavier Disk Image File |
.SIMS2PACK | Downloaded Sims 2 Package File |
.SIMS3 | The Sims 3 Game Save File |
.SIMS3PACK | The Sims 3 Package File |
.SIS | Sisma Database File |
.SIS.DM | Ovi Store DRM-Protected Application |
.SIT | StuffIt Archive |
.SITE | GoLive Website Project File |
.SITX | StuffIt X Archive |
.SJPG | Sealed JPG File |
.SKB | SketchUp Backup Document |
.SKBA | SketchBook Pro Animation File |
.SKCARD | Starfish Sidekick Card File |
.SKD | Max Payne Skin Data File |
.SKI | Motorola Phone Skin File |
.SKIM | Skim Notes File |
.SKIN | ASP.NET Skin File |
.SKM | SketchUp Materials File |
.SKR | PGP Private Keyring |
.SKSE | Skyrim Script Extender Save File |
.SKYPECHATSTYLE | Chat Style File |
.SKYPEEMOTICONSET | Skype Emoticon Set File |
.SKZ | SuperKaramba Theme |
.SLA.GZ | Scribus Compressed Document |
.SLB | AutoCAD Slide Library |
.SLDDRT | SolidWorks Sheet File |
.SLDTM | SDL Translation Memory File |
.SLL | Static Link Library |
.SLN | Visual Studio Solution File |
.SLOGO | StarLogo Project File |
.SLOGT | StarLogo Project Template |
.SLTNG | StarLogo TNG Project File |
.SLUPKG-MS | XrML Digital License Package |
.SLX | MathWorks Simulink Model File |
.SMA | AMX Mod Plugin Source File |
.SMALI | Android Smali Assembly Language File |
.SMC | Super Nintendo Game ROM |
.SMD | Sega Mega Drive ROM |
.SME | SmartEncryptor Encrypted File |
.SMENT | StarMade Entity File |
.SMK | Smacker Compressed Movie File |
.SML | ARC/INFO Simple Macro Language File |
.SMM | Samsung Memo File |
.SMMSTORE | Local Mind Map Store File |
.SMPF | Sprite Monkey Project |
.SMPKG | SmartMusic Package File |
.SMPX | SmartMusic Accompaniment File |
.SMRAILROADSSAVEDGAME | Sid Meier's Railroads! Saved Game |
.SMRD | Adobe InDesign Filter File |
.SMS | Exported SMS Text Message |
.SMSEC | StarMade Sector File |
.SMSKIN | StarMade Skin File |
.SMT | Samsung Theme File |
.SMWT | Adobe InDesign Filter |
.SMZIP | StepMania Package |
.SNA | Drive Snapshot Primary Backup File |
.SNAG | SnagIt Capture File |
.SNAGPROJ | Snagit Project File |
.SNAGSTYLES | Snagit Style Archive |
.SNAPSHOT | VMware ThinApp Snapshot File |
.SNB | S Note File |
.SND | Macintosh Sound Resource |
.SNDA | Aleph One Sound File |
.SNF | Starry Night Pro Document |
.SNK | Strong Name Key File |
.SNP | Access Report Snapshot |
.SNS | SNS Video Game Audio File |
.SNT | Sticky Notes File |
.SO | Shared Library |
.SO-ABI | Cocoa AbiWord Plug-in |
.SOB | OpenOffice.org Impress Bimap Styles File |
.SOEPSX | Player Studio Viewer Item File |
.SOL | Flash Local Shared Object File |
.SOLITAIRESAVE-MS | Microsoft Solitaire Saved Game |
.SONG | AudioSauna Song File |
.SONIC | DigitalMedia Project File |
.SOPT | Synclavier Optical Disk Image File |
.SOU | SBStudio II Sound File |
.SOUNDPACK | SoundPackager Sound Package |
.SOUNDS | Quake 3 Engine Sound Definition File |
.SOUNDSCRIPT | Rigs of Rods Sound Script File |
.SOW | Descent ARJ Archive |
.SP | Simplexety Parameters File |
.SP45 | SuperCard Player File |
.SPARC | Skype Plugin Archive |
.SPC | Software Publisher Certificate File |
.SPD | Form·Z Suspended Render File |
.SPEC | RPM Specification File |
.SPI | ShadowProtect Incremental Backup File |
.SPIDERSOLITAIRESAVE-MS | Microsoft Spider Solitaire Saved Game |
.SPLANE | Simple Planes Plane File |
.SPLIT | Archiver Split File |
.SPM | Salt Package Manager Formula Package |
.SPO | SPSS Statistical Data Output File |
.SPPACK | SPPack Sound Sample |
.SPQ | SPSS Database Query File |
.SPR | FoxPro Generated Screen File |
.SPRITE | SuperTux Sprite File |
.SPRITE2 | Scratch 2.0 Sprite File |
.SPT | TM File Packer Compressed Archive |
.SPU | Spectrum 512 Image |
.SPUB | Swift Publisher Document |
.SPV | SPSS Output Document |
.SQ | Sysquake Program |
.SQB | SQL Backup SQL Server Backup File |
.SQFS | Squash FS Bootable File |
.SQLITE3 | SQLite 3 Database File |
.SQR | SQL Program File |
.SQUASHFS | Squashfs File System File |
.SQZ | Squeeze Project File |
.SR0 | SecuROM Analysis File |
.SRC | Source Code |
.SREP | SuperREP Compressed File |
.SRK | Sub Rosa Client File |
.SRR | ReScene Metadata File |
.SRS | Outlook Send/Receive Settings File |
.SRT | SubRip Subtitle File |
.SRT0 | Wii Texture Animation File |
.SSC | SourceSafe Status File |
.SSCS | Saropa Smart Copy Script |
.SSD | Starry Night Pro Data File |
.SSFSAV | Super Smash Flash Saved Game File |
.SSI | Adobe Dreamweaver Server Side Include File |
.SSL | Fallout Script |
.SSL2 | Sunlight ScanLibrary 2 File |
.SSLF | HLSW Shared Server List File |
.SSND | Synclavier Sound File |
.SSV | Seavus Secure Project File |
.ST3 | Star 3 MIDI Karaoke File |
.ST4 | SuperCard Trial Project File |
.ST45 | SuperCard Trial Project File |
.STAGE | Pokémon Type Wild Stage Data File |
.STAP | Soundtrack Pro Audio Project File |
.STARTUPINFO | E-Prime 2.0 Startup Info File |
.STD | CD/DVD Label Template |
.STE | Samsung IPOLIS Image File |
.STENCYL | Stencyl Game File |
.STF | Exchange 2000 Server Temporary File |
.STFX | SampleTank Effects Settings File |
.STG | ActiveSync Backup File |
.STH | Lotus Domino Stash File |
.STIP | SampleTank User Preset Instrument |
.STIX | Structured Threat Information eXpression File |
.STN | Genuine Fractals Image |
.STO | PRO100 3D Interior Design Project |
.STORY | Storyist Document |
.STORYBOARD | Interface Builder Storyboard Document |
.STORYISTTHEME | Storyist Application Theme File |
.STP | RoboHelp Stop List File |
.STRINGS | Text Strings File |
.STSKIN | Steam Skin File |
.STTPL | Samsung Theme Showcase File |
.STU | Pinnacle Studio Project File |
.STUDIO3 | Silhouette Studio Version 3 Document |
.STW | StarOffice Document Template |
.STWM | SuperTux World Map File |
.STX | Pinnacle Studio Project File |
.STXT | Sealed Text File |
.STY | Yamaha/Korg Keyboard Style |
.STYK | Stykz Stick Figure |
.SUB | Subtitle File |
.SUBLIME-KEYMAP | Sublime Text Keymap File |
.SUBLIME-PACKAGE | Sublime Text Package File |
.SUBLIME-THEME | Sublime Text Theme File |
.SUGAR | Espresso Plug-in |
.SUI | StarSplatter User Interface File |
.SUIT | Macintosh Font Suitcase |
.SUMO | Sumo Paint Image |
.SUNIFF | Sun TAAC Image |
.SUP | Subtitle Bitmap File |
.SV | SystemVerilog Source Code File |
.SV$ | AutoCAD Automated Backup File |
.SV2I | Symantec System Index File |
.SV4 | RollerCoaster Tycoon Saved Game |
.SV5 | BigJig Saved Puzzle |
.SV6 | RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 Saved Game |
.SVA | Manga Browser Comic File |
.SVF | Serial Vector Format File |
.SVG | Saved Game File |
.SVGZ | Compressed SVG File |
.SVH | SystemVerilog Source Code Header File |
.SVI | Samsung Video File |
.SVN-WORK | Subversion Cache File |
.SVR | Compressed Virtual World |
.SVS | Game Boy Advance Saved State File |
.SVT | Torchlight Saved Game File |
.SW2 | Softwrap License File |
.SWD | Flash Debug File |
.SWIDTAG | SWID Tag File |
.SWITCH | Switch Package |
.SWJ | SolidWorks Journal File |
.SWM | Split Windows Imaging Format File |
.SWP | Vi Swap File |
.SWV | Microsoft Sidewinder Game Voice Settings File |
.SWZ | Adobe Flash Player Cache File |
.SX | SimplexNumerica Data File |
.SXC | StarOffice Calc Spreadsheet |
.SXD | ArcScene Document |
.SXI | StarOffice Impress Presentation |
.SXML | Sealed XML File |
.SY3 | Harvard Graphics Symbol File |
.SYH | Synchomatic Instrument |
.SYNW-PROJ | SynWrite Project |
.SYS | Windows System File |
.SYS-RESERVED-RW-BITMAP.GROW | Pioneer DVD Recorder Dummy File |
.SYX | MIDI System Exclusive Message |