رئيسي : تصفح : 3D Image Files
3D Image Files
3D image files include three-dimensional models, 3D animations, and 3D project files. 3D models are typically comprised of polygons and verticies and that create the model's shape. They may also include textures as well as lighting and shading information.
امتداد الملف | نوع الملف |
.STP | STEP 3D CAD File |
.U3D | Universal 3D File |
.TCN | Techne Model File |
.TGO | Terragen Object File |
.R3D | RISA-3D Model File |
.PHY | 3ds Max Physique File |
.PIGS | Packaged Indigo Renderer Scene File |
.P3L | Adobe Photoshop Light Preset File |
.PLY | Polygon Model File |
.PRO | TurboFloorPlan 3D Design File |
.P3M | Adobe Photoshop Material Preset File |
.PRM | Re-Volt Model File |
.PIGM | Packaged Indigo Renderer Material File |
.PMD | Poser Binary Morph File |
.OBJ | Wavefront 3D Object File |
.MNM | Character Studio Marker Name File |
.MXS | Maxwell Studio Scene File |
.MAX | 3ds Max Scene File |
.MA | Maya Project File |
.MTL | OBJ Material File |
.MUD | Mudbox 3D Scene File |
.MAXC | 3ds Max Container File |
.MPJ | messiahStudio Project File |
.MAT | 3ds Max Materials File |
.MXM | Maxwell Material File |
.PRV | Vue Preview File |
.JAS | Cheetah3D Model File |
.P3R | Adobe Photoshop Render Settings Preset File |
.IFC | Industry Foundation Classes File |
.IGM | Indigo Renderer Material File |
.IK | CryENGINE IK Animation File |
.FIG | 3ds Max Figure File |
.HXN | Hexagon Model File |
.FACEFX_INGAME | FaceFX In-Game Actor File |
.FX | Direct3D Effects File |
.F3D | Fusion 3D Design |
.FACEFX | FaceFX Actor File |
.FBX | Autodesk FBX Interchange File |
.FRY | fryrender Scene File |
.FP | Fragment Program File |
.FXT | FaceFX Actor Template File |
.FSH | Fragment Shader File |
.FXL | CryENGINE Facial Expression Library |
.IGS | Indigo Renderer Scene File |
.IGI | Indigo Image File |
.DAE | Digital Asset Exchange File |
.HLSL | High Level Shader Language File |
.DSB | DAZ Studio Binary Script |
.DWF | Design Web Format File |
.CSM | Character Studio Marker File |
.CPY | 3ds Max Copy Track File |
.CCB | CopperCube 3D Scene |
.C4D | Cinema 4D Model File |
.CHR | CryENGINE Character File |
.CHR | 3ds Max Characters File |
.CGA | Crytek Geometry Animation File |
.C3D | C3D Model File |
.E57 | LIDAR Point Cloud Data File |
.ATL | Artlantis 3D Scene File |
.AMF | Additive Manufacturing File |
.ALBUM | GLC_Player Album File |
.ATF | Alternativa Texture File |
.AOF | Artlantis Object File |
.ANIMSET_INGAME | FaceFX In-Game Animation Set File |
.3DMK | 123D Make Project File |
.3MF | 3D Manufacturing File |
.3DS | 3D Studio Scene |
.3DMF | QuickDraw 3D Metafile |
.BLEND | Blender 3D Data File |
.BIP | Character Studio Biped File |
.3DM | Rhino 3D Model |
.SH3F | Sweet Home 3D Model Library |
.SC4MODEL | SimCity 4 Model File |
.SGN | Signet Bureau DRM File |
.SI | Softimage Image File |
.S3G | MakerBot 3D Print File |
.S | Microsoft Train Simulator Shape File |
.SMD | Valve Studiomdl Data File |
.SH3D | Sweet Home 3D Design File |
.STO | PRO100 3D Interior Design Project |
.UMS | Rune 3D Mesh File |
.TMO | 3DCG Animation and Pose File |
.TS1 | VirtualBus Texture Description File |
.TRUCK | Rigs of Rods Truck Definition File |
.TRI | Triangle Mesh File |
.TRI | FaceGen Polygonal Model File |
.TMD | PlayStation Game Model File |
.TDDD | 3D Data Description File |
.THL | Total 3D Home Design File |
.THING | MakerBot Thing File |
.TPS | Bryce Tree Shape File |
.T3D | Unreal Engine 3D Object File |
.T3D | Swift 3D Document |
.TME | Bryce Time File |
.RDS | Ray Dream Studio Scene File |
.RCS | RandomControl Scene File |
.RFT | Revit Family Template File |
.RAD | Radiance Scene File |
.RAD | VRAD Lights File |
.RAY | Rayshade Image |
.PRIMITIVES_PROCESSED | World of Tanks 3D Model File |
.PMX | MikuMikuDance Model File |
.P5D | Planner 5D Project |
.PPZ | Compressed Poser Prop File |
.PSK | Unreal Engine Skeletal Mesh File |
.PL2 | 3D Home Architect Second Level Floor Plan |
.PL1 | 3D Home Architect Floor Plan |
.PREFAB | Unity Prefab File |
.IRR | Irrlicht 3D Scene |
.PKG | CoCreate OneSpace Modeling Package File |
.IRRMESH | Irrlicht Static Mesh File |
.PKG | Midtown Madness 2 Model File |
.P3D | Peak3D 3D Graphics File |
.HRZ | Compressed Poser Hair File |
.HIPNC | Houdini Apprentice File |
.HIP | Houdini Project File |
.FLT | OpenFlight Scene Description File |
.FP3 | FloorPlan 3D Design File |
.FPJ | CryENGINE Facial Editor Project File |
.FPF | IKEA Home Planner File |
.FCZ | Compressed Poser Face Pose File |
.FNC | Vue Functions File |
.FBM | Marine Vessel Model File |
.FPE | FPS Creator Entity File |
.FXA | OC3 Entertainment FaceFX Actor File |
.HR2 | Poser Hair File |
.FC2 | Poser Face Pose File |
.FXM | messiahStudio Motion File |
.FCP | Phantasy Star Online 2 Female Cast File |
.FXS | messiahStudio Scene File |
.GMMOD | Game Maker 3D Model File |
.GLTF | GL Transmission Format File |
.HDZ | Compressed Poser Hand Pose File |
.GEO | VRML Geography File |
.GLB | Binary GL Transmission Format File |
.FG | FaceGen Project File |
.GLM | Ghoul 2 Model File |
.GRN | Granny 3D File |
.GMF | Leadwerks Game Model File |
.DRF | VIZ Render File |
.DSI | Double-Precision Spectral Image |
.DSI | DAZ Studio Layered Image Set |
.DBL | DAZ Brick Light File |
.GLF | Space Engine Shader File |
.HD2 | Poser Hand Pose File |
.DS | DAZ Studio 1/2 Script |
.DMC | Mimic Configuration File |
.DBS | GAMBIT Mesh File |
.DSO | DAZ Studio Object File |
.DSE | DAZ Studio Encrypted Script |
.DBC | DAZ Brick Camera File |
.RIG | Antibody Model Rig File |
.DDD | GLBasic 3D Data File |
.DBM | DAZ Brick Material File |
.DSF | DAZ Studio Asset File |
.D3D | Game Maker 3D File |
.DUF | DAZ User File |
.DSV | DAZ Studio UV Mapping File |
.DSD | DAZ Studio Object Morph File |
.DES | Corel Designer File |
.CMS | Car Mechanic Simulator 3D Car Model File |
.CM2 | Poser Camera Set File |
.CR2 | Poser Character Rigging File |
.CG | Cg Program |
.CGFX | CgFX Shader File |
.CMF | Cal3D Binary Mesh File |
.CCP | CopperCube JavaScript File |
.CMOD | Celestia Model |
.CSD | Manga Studio Scene File |
.CRF | Cal3D Binary Materials File |
.CAL | CryENGINE Character Animation List |
.DAZ | DAZ Studio 3D Scene |
.CAL | 3ds Max Pose Adjustment File |
.CFG | Cal3D Model Configuration File |
.CAS | Total War Model File |
.CMZ | Compressed Poser Camera Set File |
.CG3 | Cabri 3D Document |
.CAF | Cal3D Binary Animation File |
.CSF | Cal3D Binary Skeleton File |
.DSA | DAZ Studio 3+ Script |
.C3Z | OpenQwaq 3D Model File |
.EGG | Panda3D Model File |
.EXP | CATIA 4 Export File |
.CHRPARAMS | CryENGINE Character Parameters File |
.DIF | Torque Game Engine Model File |
.CRZ | Compressed Poser Character Rigging File |
.ASAT | Assemble SAT 3D Model File |
.ANIMSET | FaceFX Animation Set File |
.ANM | 3D Animation File |
.AN8 | Anim8or File |
.A2C | Alice Object File |
.ANIM | Maya Animation File |
.ANIM | Unity Animation File |
.ANIM | Antibody Animation File |
.ACT | Genesis3D Actor File |
.CSO | Compiled Shader Object File |
.AOI | Art of Illusion 3D Scene |
.A8S | Anim8or Script |
.DFS | BrainSuite Surface File |
.3DL | LightConverse 3D Model File |
.A3D | Alternativa Player 3D Export File |
.3DW | 3D World Studio File |
.3DF | 3D Format |
.3DC | 3DCT 3D Image |
.3DC | 3DCrafter Scene File |
.3DON | Scrutinize 3D Mesh File |
.3DV | 3D VRML World |
.3D2 | Stereo CAD-3D 2.0 Image File |
.3DX | Rhino 3D Model File |
.3DA | 3D Assembly File |
.3D | Stereo CAD-3D Image File |
.BLD | Skyscraper Simulator Building Script |
.BIO | Mudbox Bio 3D File |
.BR3 | Bryce 3 Scene File |
.3DXML | Dassault Systemes 3D XML File |
.3D4 | Stereo CAD-3D 2.0 Image File |
.3DP | 123D Catch Photo Scene Data File |
.BSK | Bryce Skies File |
.BR7 | Bryce 7 Scene File |
.B3D | Blitz3D Entity Model File |
.BR6 | Bryce 6 Scene File |
.BRG | Age of Mythology Model File |
.BVH | Biovision Hierarchy Animation File |
.BLK | BLK360 Data File |
.BRO | Broadleaf Tree Model |
.BR5 | Bryce 5 Scene File |
.BTO | Bryce Tree File |
.SIS | arivis ImageCore File |
.TVM | TV3D Model |
.PRC | Product Representation Compact File |
.M3D | DIALux 3D Object File |
.MTX | MetaStream Scene File |
.MC5 | Poser 5 Material File |
.KMC | Kinemac Animation File |
.IGES | IGES File |
.PRO | Professional Home Design Project |
.PZ3 | Poser Scene File |
.P2Z | Compressed Poser Pose File |
.P4D | Pix4D Project |
.PGAL | Photo! 3D Album Gallery |
.PMD | MikuMikuDance Model File |
.QC | Half-Life Model Compiler Script |
.N3D | Nuclear 3D File |
.NSBTA | Nintendo DS Texture Animation File |
.PAT | 3D Patch File |
.PSA | Unreal Engine Skeletal Animation File |
.NIF | Gamebryo Model File |
.N2 | Nitrous Minecraft GLSL Shader File |
.OFF | Object File Format |
.OBZ | Compressed 3D Object File |
.NFF | Neutral File Format |
.NM | Space Engine Nebula Model File |
.P21 | Express STEP Data Model File |
.OCT | Radiance Octree File |
.OL | Valve Hammer Object Layout File |
.OGF | S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Model File |
.OBP | Bryce Object File |
.MSH | Godot Engine 3D Mesh File |
.MSH | Orbiter 3D Mesh File |
.PL0 | 3D Home Architect Foundation Floor Plan |
.MDL | Warcraft 3 3D Model Text File |
.M3D | 3D Model File |
.M3 | Blizzard MDX3 Model File |
.MQO | Metasequoia Document |
.MRML | 3D Slicer Scene Description File |
.MC6 | Poser Material Collection File |
.MDX | Warcraft 3 Model File |
.PP2 | Poser Prop File |
.MTZ | Compressed MetaStream Scene File |
.MCZ | Compressed Poser Material File |
.MIX | 3ds Max Motion Mixer File |
.MD5CAMERA | id Tech 4 Model Camera File |
.MOT | LightWave Motion File |
.MDD | Point Oven Deformation Data File |
.MESH | DirectX Mesh File |
.MESH | 3D Mesh Model |
.MESH | Godot Engine 3D Mesh File |
.PAR | Solid Edge Part File |
.MAKERBOT | MakerBot Print File |
.MU | Kerbal Space Program Mesh File |
.MEB | PRO100 3D Interior Catalog Element |
.MS3D | MilkShape 3D Model |
.MD5ANIM | id Tech 4 Model Animation File |
.MGF | Materials and Geometry Format |
.MP | Maya PLE Project File |
.PRIMITIVES | World of Tanks 3D Model File |
.MD5MESH | id Tech 4 3D Mesh File |
.J3O | jMonkeyEngine 3D Scene |
.KMCOBJ | Kinemac Sprite Object |
.KFM | Gamebryo 3D Model File |
.KTZ | Kahootz Project File |
.PZ2 | Poser Pose File |
.IVE | OpenSceneGraph Binary File |
.PZZ | Compressed Poser Scene File |
.IV | Open Inventor Scene Graph File |
.FSQ | CryENGINE Facial Editor Sequence File |
.FUN | Cubify Invention File |
.GMT | rFactor Model File |
.DFF | RenderWare Model File |
.ATM | Vue Atmospheres File |
جميع الفئات
Misc Files
Backup Files
Web Files
Video Files
Text Files
Encoded Files
3D Image Files
Plugin Files
Game Files
CAD Files
Audio Files
Data Files
Compressed Files
Settings Files
Disk Image Files
GIS Files
Raster Image Files
eBook Files
Page Layout Files
System Files
Developer Files
Executable Files
Font Files
Camera Raw Files
Spreadsheet Files
Database Files
Vector Image Files