رئيسي : تصفح : Executable Files
Executable Files
Executable files contain code that is run when the file is opened. Windows programs, Mac OS X applications, scripts, and macros are all considered executable files. Since these file types run code when opened, unknown executable files, such as those received as e-mail attachements, should not be opened.
امتداد الملف | نوع الملف |
.SCR | Script File |
.SCPTD | AppleScript Script Bundle |
.TCP | Tally Compiled Program File |
.RGS | Registry Script |
.PLX | Perl Executable File |
.PYO | Python Optimized Code |
.PYC | Python Compiled File |
.PIF | Program Information File |
.OTM | Outlook Macro File |
.ORE | Ore Executable File |
.MCR | Tecplot Macro |
.MCR | 3ds Max Macroscript File |
.MEL | Maya Embedded Language File |
.MS | 3ds Max Script File |
.PAF.EXE | PortableApps.com Program File |
.MM | NeXtMidas Macro File |
.JSF | Java Script Command File |
.JAR | Java Archive File |
.JSX | ExtendScript Script File |
.PS1 | Windows PowerShell Cmdlet File |
.FAS | Compiled Fast-Load AutoLISP File |
.GADGET | Windows Gadget |
.IPA | iOS Application |
.CACTION | Automator Converter Action |
.CMD | Windows Command File |
.CSH | C Shell Script |
.COFFEE | CoffeeScript JavaScript File |
.COM | DOS Command File |
.EXE | Windows Executable File |
.EXE | PortableApps.com Application |
.ELF | Nintendo Wii Game File |
.CGI | Common Gateway Interface Script |
.APP | macOS Application |
.ACTION | Automator Action |
.ACTC | Action(s) Collection File |
.APPLESCRIPT | AppleScript File |
.ACTM | AutoCAD Action Macro File |
.AIR | Adobe AIR Installation Package |
.ARSCRIPT | ArtRage Script |
.8CK | TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition Application File |
.73K | TI-73 Application |
.89K | TI-89 Application |
.BAT | DOS Batch File |
.SMM | Ami Pro Macro |
.SHB | Windows Document Shortcut |
.SCRIPT | Generic Script File |
.SPR | FoxPro Generated Screen File |
.SBS | SPSS Script |
.SCAR | SCAR Script |
.SERVER | MySQL Server Script |
.SCA | Scala Script File |
.U3P | U3 Smart Application |
.UPX | Ultimate Packer for eXecutables File |
.TMS | Telemate Script |
.THM | Thermwood Macro File |
.RUN | Linux Executable File |
.ROX | Actuate Report Object Executable File |
.RBF | LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Robot Brick File |
.PRC | Palm Resource Code File |
.PWC | PictureTaker File |
.NEXE | Chrome Native Client Executable |
.N | Neko Bytecode File |
.QPX | FoxPro Compiled Query Program |
.PAF | Portable Application Installer File |
.OSX | PowerPC Executable File |
.OUT | Compiled Executable File |
.PRG | Program File |
.MAM | Microsoft Access Macro |
.MLX | MATLAB Live Script |
.MIO | MioEngine Application File |
.MPX | FoxPro Compiled Menu Program |
.MS | Maxwell Script |
.PRG | GEM Application |
.MRP | Mobile Application File |
.MRC | mIRC Script File |
.MEM | Macro Editor Macro |
.MXE | Macro Express Playable Macro |
.M3G | Mobile 3D Graphics Program |
.MAC | Application Macro File |
.MSL | Magick Scripting Language File |
.JSE | JScript Encoded File |
.KIX | KiXtart Script File |
.KX | KiXtart Tokenized Script File |
.KSH | Unix Korn Shell Script |
.PEX | ProBoard Executable File |
.ICD | SafeDisc Encrypted Program |
.PLSC | Messenger Plus! Live Script File |
.IIM | iMacro Macro File |
.PHAR | PHP Archive |
.RBX | Rembo-C Compiled Script |
.HTA | HTML Application |
.FPI | FPS Creator Intelligence Script |
.FXP | FoxPro Compiled Program |
.IPF | SMS Installer Script |
.FKY | FoxPro Macro |
.FRS | Flash Renamer Script |
.ITA | VTech InnoTab Application File |
.FAS | QuickSilver Fast Save Lisp File |
.GPU | GP2X Utility Program |
.HPF | HP9100A Program File |
.GS | Geosoft Script |
.GPE | GP2X Video Game |
.DS | TWAIN Data Source |
.DXL | Rational DOORS Script |
.DEK | Eavesdropper Batch File |
.HAM | HAM Executable File |
.ISU | InstallShield Uninstaller Script |
.DLD | EdLog Compiled Program |
.HMS | HostMonitor Script File |
.CELX | Celestia Script |
.CYW | Rbot.CYW Worm File |
.CEL | Celestia Script File |
.ES | SageCRM Script File |
.EZS | EZ-R Stats Batch Script |
.EXOPC | ExoPC Application |
.ESH | Extended Shell Batch File |
.EZT | EZT Malicious Worm File |
.E_E | Renamed EXE File |
.EBS2 | E-Run 2.0 Script File |
.EBS | E-Run 1.x Script |
.EAR | Java Enterprise Archive File |
.ECF | SageCRM Component File |
.EX5 | MetaTrader 5 Program File |
.EXE1 | Renamed EXE File |
.EX_ | Renamed Windows Executable File |
.EX_ | Compressed Executable File |
.EPK | LG Firmware Package |
.EBM | EXTRA! Basic Macro |
.EX4 | MetaTrader 4 Program File |
.AHK | AutoHotkey Script |
.APP | Symbian OS Application |
.ACR | ACRobot Script |
.AZW2 | Kindle Active Content App File |
.EHAM | ExtraHAM Executable File |
.A7R | Authorware 7 Runtime File |
.APK | Android Package File |
.AC | Autoconf Script |
.APP | FoxPro Generated Application |
.A6P | Authorware 6 Program |
.0XE | F-Secure Renamed Virus File |
.ACC | GEM Accessory File |
.BA_ | Renamed BAT File |
.BIN | Generic Binary Executable File |
.BIN | Unix Executable File |
.BTM | 4DOS Batch File |
.BEAM | Compiled Erlang File |
.S2A | SEAL2 Application |
.SCB | Scala Published Script |
.UDF | Excel User Defined Function |
.RFU | Remote Firmware Update |
.RPJ | Real Pac Batch Job File |
.RXE | Lego Mindstorms NXT Executable Program |
.PVD | Instalit Script |
.QIT | QIT Trojan Horse File |
.JS | JScript Executable Script |
.DMC | Medical Manager Script |
.COMMAND | Terminal Command File |
.ASB | Alphacam Stone VB Macro File |
جميع الفئات
Misc Files
Backup Files
Web Files
Video Files
Text Files
Encoded Files
3D Image Files
Plugin Files
Game Files
CAD Files
Audio Files
Data Files
Compressed Files
Settings Files
Disk Image Files
GIS Files
Raster Image Files
eBook Files
Page Layout Files
System Files
Developer Files
Executable Files
Font Files
Camera Raw Files
Spreadsheet Files
Database Files
Vector Image Files